yoga, wellness Rebecca Hersh yoga, wellness Rebecca Hersh

Episode 20: Beyond Asana with Melanie Green

“If you don’t have a philosophy, you’re going to react. And that reaction is either going to be what you learned, or the opposite of what you learned, but it’s not going to be what you intentionally want to do, unless you cultivate pratyahara, which is that pause…..that moving away from everything that pulls us into distraction. Taking a breath, and literally creating space between what just happened and how I’m going to be.”

-Melanie Green, Homebodies Yoga Podcast, episode 20

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yoga, wellness Rebecca Hersh yoga, wellness Rebecca Hersh

Episode 12: Graceful Transitions with Kate Duyn

“For creating a class I think a big part of the process is getting clear about what you want to share that’s not just physical, that’s mental or emotional or spiral and weaving that theme thought the practice….so that the physical practice and the theme are supporting each other, and really building a rhythm so that people start to feel this group energy, even on zoom, when you loo and see other people moving with you in time, and breathing with you, that energy syncing up and builds the energy higher and higher, its a beautiful thing.”

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yoga, wellness Rebecca Hersh yoga, wellness Rebecca Hersh

Episode 11: Go with what moves you with Astrud Castillo

“…. in the end, what really sustains me and softens my heart and my attitude and all of it, the stuff that sustains my practice on a daily basis when I leave the house is chanting to God..theres something to the vibration that really softens the harder edges that still exist in me.”

-Astrud Castillo, Episode 11, Homebodies Yoga Podcast

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